To: From:
Name: Name:Your Company Name
Address: Address:Your Company Address
GST No.: GST No.:Your Company GST Number
P.O. No.: Contact Person:
P.O. Date: 01-01-1970 Contact No.:
Item Name HSN Code Item Description Project Units Quantity Rate Amount



Total Amount In Words: Rupees Only
Total:  0
Delivery Charges:
Packing Charges:
CGST:  % -  0
SGST: % -  0
IGST:  % -  0
Grand Total:  0

Terms & Conditions
1. Inspection at our end final.
2. In case of rejection charges of return to be on party A/C.
3. All bill must accompany material.
4. Excise documents to be handed over carefully at the point of gate entry in case of non-receipt of excise documents duty amount will not be paid by us.
5. Non-acceptance of PO within three days will be deemed as acceptance.
6. Court at Pimpri Chinchawad alone have exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any dispute arising out of any issue consequent to execution/ Non-execution/partial Execution of this agreement/PO.
7. Penalty Clause : Applicable

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